I recently got another tattoo. It's a portrait of Maleficent and I couldn't be happier with it! It was done by Brandie Popps at Famous Tattoos in Dartmouth, MA. Since the studio was so far away from my house (about 2 hours) I got it done all in one almost 5 hour session. It was one of my more painful tattoos simply because it took so long but I feel that it was completely worth it.
I was excited about the Lorde MAC collection since it was announced. I had been looking for a dark purple lipstick for some time and Pure Heroine seemed absolutely perfect. My order was placed as soon as it went on sale on MAC's website, even before the email saying it was out arrived in my inbox. It came in the mail a few days later and oh my goodness it was beautiful. I almost didn't want to use it but I finally wore it last night and this color makes me feel so fierce! The inner goth in me loves dark lipstick and I feel this is a little more fashionable and socially accepted than black. I'm going to be sad when I use it all, so much so that I might order one more to have for the future, like the saying "one to rock, one to stock." Have any of you bought Pure Heroine? If so, how do you like it? xo